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- >> January 2019 >> - Show 10, 25, 50, All News - Expand All, Compact All, 1024 chars

February 2019

@librarianbe @TourneeMinerale Ca me fait même du bien. Je me sens moins fatigué.
@Korben Oui mais c'est essentiel. Le manque de documentation est un problème majeur de l'informatique. La connaissance est dans la tête des gens ce qui les rend indispensables sans raison...
The best compliment is when someone tells me: "I want to learn architecture and work like you"
Business architects will need to work closely with business teams, so much so that by 2022, 80% of business architects will work directly for a business leader. Source: The Evolution of Enterprise Architecture - Smarter With Gartner https://t.co/rpqvYxnnYF
New business models will bring together new customers, services and experiences, but this isn?t possible without business architecture to help design and shape the execution. Source: The Evolution of Enterprise Architecture - Smarter With Gartner https://t.co/rpqvYxnnYF

January 2019

@jmnollet C'est le contribuable qui pairea, pas les ministres. Ne payons pas à l'état et changeons nous même nos comportements. C'est la seule façon de diminuer l'addition totale.
@DavidAbiker L'histoire de la conférence inintéressante a commencé au paléolithique le jour ou un chasseur cueilleur est rentré trop tard pour le souper.
@Savinit_com Des aphtes au niveau des moliaires ?
Again thinking about the power of "committing proposals to writing". 15 years ago I blogged this : https://t.co/lPi0GEAwQp
Rencontre avec Alexandre Lemaire, gestionnaire de la plateforme Lirtuel | Lettres Numériques https://t.co/oyJNOBNEy2
2 value proposition canvas drafted today. Will have to be tested soon. #bizarch
@JustineRahon Pas le monde "saouls marins" en tous cas.
"So You Automated Your Coworkers Out of a Job" (Gizmodo) :https://t.co/paC5Zr3jbI. Indeed: mixed feelings when automating with #RPA
RT @kunalpatel085: So #Banking what's the #strategy for 2019 folks? Why fix it if it ain't broke right? ???????????????????? Via @11FSTeam and @davidbrear. Have a great weekend all. @KirkDBorne @Ronald_vanLoon @MikeQuindazzi @psb_dc @guzmand @stratorob @Xbond49 @helene_wpli @LoharPrasanna @Chris_Skinner https://t.co/SfjsogCBNI
The #proximus news in Business Architecture language : how to align the organization with new strategic capabilities.... #bizarch
@simonbrown I switched to Archimate for all kind of architecture and documentation about 8 years ago and never looked back. Details need complements: process design (bpmn), sequence diagrams, data models with attributes, APIs...
RT @Michael_Knorr: "If you can't figure out how to say No to Good, you won't get to say Yes to Great." #LivingForward

December 2018

4 top trends that will impact cybersecurity strategies in 2019 : Predictive AI for breach prevention deployed | Information Management https://t.co/vvoVk4ZnQE
RT @semilimes: This goes out to everyone that has face-recognition to unlock their phone - 3D-printed heads let hackers ? and cops ? unlock your phone - https://t.co/ET15OtOEmb #3Dprinting #TechNews https://t.co/HhiJpqf8zU
RT @BOC_Group: [What Experts Say] Did you know that BOC Group made a significant move to "Visionaries" Quadrant in the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools? https://t.co/8ruSmVm9i0 @Gartner_inc #EntArch #itarch https://t.co/Qz97OUAuEO

|| >> January 2019 >>