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November 2008

“testing friendfeed / GTalk integration”
November 27 at 2:41 pm - Comment - Like

Vous y croyez- vous ?
Last week I bought a CD and a book.

The CD is "I Love Techno 2008" : 7.5 / 10 because some parts are a bit boring.

The Book is the new Jacques Attali : Gandhi ou L'Eveil des humiliés. I have not started reading it yet.
Fernando Arabal : "L'artiste, c'est celui qui rate"

Dans le sens : l'Artiste est celui qui ose prendre le risque de ne pas réussir, celui qui ne vise pas toujours à réussir, celui qui s'expose le plus en mettant en jeu sa propre image.

Raymond Devos : "Un succès c'est un bide auquel on a échappé"
I'm looking for an association that would take my old bike and give him a second life (send second hand bikes to poor countries).

Here is what I have found so far in Belgium http://www.quefaire.be/annonces/A-r-un-velo-583304_1405.shtml

If you know such an association, let me know.
What a mashup can do for you ?

See this French mashup in Paris it shows you were there are parties, concerts, exposition, theaters tonight in Paris. See


Cool !
Certains spécialistes informatiques (peut-être moi-même) devraient y penser de temps en temps : notre language est très particulier et peut-être un peu opaque.

J'ai trouvé ici un bon article qui illustre cela :

Yesterday we were in Brussels to see the Cirque du Soleil : Quidam.

It's the 3rd time I go to a show of the Cirque du Soleil. This time we had places on the first row and it was really a great experience.

Ce matin Tom a fait trois beaux dessins avec la palette graphique.

It was now the turn of Nokia to invite us to a party this Tuesday Nov 4th 2008 : Xperience 08

The party was in Noxx, which is a nice place to party. We had already been in Noxx for a Tiesto Concert.

There was a concert foreseen of The Glimmers. I fact they were the DJs. I would have prefered they play their own music as their Mix for Xperience 08 was very "conventional". Hopefully there was another salon where we could dance on a music in the Noxx style. I guess it was with Noxx's DJs.

After the FSI reader of Playmobil, I see today - thanks to a Twit of Jean-François Ruiz - that Metro (the free newspaper) also found a good solution to let people read their newspaper online.

Not a bad system. So simple...

Check an example here : http://www.readmetro.com/show/fr/Paris/20081103/1/16/

Too bad : the Belgian edition is not available on this format.

I just installed Gmail Mobile v2.0 on my mobile phone.

Yesterday afternoon we went for a walk in the beautiful parc of Tervueren.

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The big ePaper / eReader market battle is about to start. See how much companies are developing products for this potential huge  market :
  • Samsung
  • Fujitsu
  • Hanlin
  • iRex Technologies (Philips)
  • Sony
  • HP
  • Amazon with the Kindle
  • Hitachi
  • LG (Philips)
  • Nemoptic
  • Sharp
  • NEC
  • Unidym - nanotube-based color active matrix electrophoretic display (EPD)
  • Plastic Logic
  • KDDI
  • Liquavista
What is ePaper ? Watch it on BBC : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7671528.stm

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