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- >> June 2024 >> - Show 10, 25, 50, All News - Expand All, Compact All, 1024 chars

July 2024

June 2024


May 2024

April 2024


March 2024

CSO stands for Chief Solutions Officer. This role involves managing priorities, overseeing projects, and leading strategic initiatives within the organization. The CSO is responsible for developing solutions, coordinating with various teams, and ensuring the successful implementation of key projects.

January 2024


December 2023

For years I have used Wordpress on jfdeclercq.info/perso and jfdeclercq.biz.  Those sites were hosted on Bluehost and this hosting service has not given me satitsfaction, and they cost me money too. I have backed up all my wordpress sites and I'm ready to leave wordpress and bluehost.

So I'm thinking about going back to basics... and free services !

We will meet here or on social media...

July 2023

No tickets this year so I listen to #oneworldreadio :



from In JF's mind https://ift.tt/hYcq9ij

May 2023

RT @digitalwallonia: L?organisation constitue un point critique dans l'analyse de la maturité #numérique des #entreprises. En effet, vous pouvez choisir le meilleur outil numérique au monde pour transformer votre entreprise, s?il n?est pas adopté par vos équipes ni intégré dans l?organisation, il ne? https://t.co/59SKTBVz1x
@PhilippeGilbert Super travail sur eurosport. Merci !

|| >> June 2024 >>