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Operations Management

Course Notes

You can download my Operations Mgt course notes here : Operations Mgt Public Downloads


(see http://www.vlerick.be/education/mba/main_module.htm#Operations)

Whether an organisation produces goods or services, there is always an operational department, which is responsible for the production of those goods and services. This course deals with the management of this department. There are several decision-making domains that can be divided into two categories: choosing and developing the production systems, and managing the production system.

The purpose of this course is to gain an insight into the principal methods used to analyse and develop production systems, to solve operational management problems and to study the interaction with other functional domains.


  • Manzana
  • Wotan
  • Benelux Hydraulics


Last edited on Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 12:39:53 pm.

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