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March 2016RT @CharlotteMassa: Tonight we dance! #kygo #antwerp #sbs #mtv elissa_bet @wabliefternu @ Lotto Arena t.co twitter.com If we want to change the world we can't just trust our government. Let's change ourselves first and the government will follow. #change twitter.com RT @lievenelst: #galopping 3x round the altar on the top of the hill. #hakendover #vlaamsbrabant t.co twitter.com RT @txfltmedic: No 2nd place this time @petosagan. Congrats! #GentWevelgem twitter.com Bon week-end Pascal RT @alemannoEU: disposable income over time: only Italians are worse off than Spaniards @SilviaFavasuli t.co twitter.com Sponsored: 64% off Code Black Drone with HD Camera https://t.co/r8o6hDFAYw http://twitter.com/appepaper/status/713400250136854528 Sponsored: Furniture You Can Afford https://t.co/NSaQzE7tIP http://twitter.com/appepaper/status/711586830370537472 Happy family Et les tueurs de Charlie Hebdo et de l'hypercacher ils etaient tous Belges de #molenbeek ? Et l'état Islamique est Belge aussi sans doute? twitter.com Les différents types de vélos | Faire le tour du monde à vélo | Dossier pratique ow.ly Sometimes I hate the #spinning instructor but I should hate myself instead #more twitter.com RT @joerivg: It is all about the people ...Techno are just means to an end, you need to transform your people... change mgt! t.co twitter.com RT @InfosFuneraire: La pierre tombale du futur ! #SurMaPierreTombale A créer ici : t.co t.co twitter.com Make Your CIO More Relevant Using Business Architecture | Daniel Lambert | LinkedIn t.co #entarch twitter.com Exercise of the day : map 170 screenshots (application interface) to 140 application functions. #entarch #archimate twitter.com Bike + train. #iloveit twitter.com Content d'avoir fait progresser la documentation de gouvernance IT de mon client ! twitter.com Leicester sera champion. twitter.com After months not working my Wi-Fi radio and Wi-Fi extender work perfectly again. #gofigure twitter.com You know ASAP. But do you know ALAP, SNET, FNET, MSON... ? MS Project documentation : t.co twitter.com Quand on était jeunes... Gagné a Euromillions : 3 Euros. 1/3 à ma femme, 1/3 à mon fils, 1/3 à ma famille et je pars en vacances avec le reste. #backtowork twitter.com Gagné a Euromillions : 3 Euros. 1/3 à ma femme, 1/3 à mon fils, 1/3 à ma famille et je pars en vacances avec le reste. #backtowork An #uml Interface ... represents a declaration of a set of public Features and obligations that together constitute a coherent service. twitter.com RT @danAshbach: Oh man, I tried to help my granddaughter with math the other day... Poor kids. #dan330 t.co t.co twitter.com RT @danAshbach: Oh man, I tried to help my granddaughter with math the other day... Poor kids. #dan330 t.co t.co twitter.com |