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January 2018

Le processus microcognitif du cerveau: 1) perception et premières conclusions 2) analyse des actions possibles 3) mise en oeuvre de l'action choisie
Le processus microcognitif du cerveau: 1) perception et premières conclusions 2) analyse des actions possibles 3) mise en oeuvre de l'action choisie
RT @calibrators: Met trots stelt Calibrate graag de gloednieuwe website van #rscanderlecht voor ? https://t.co/A1DJX4ODWj Wat vinden jullie ervan? https://t.co/jKqDD7QSYZ
@FloHeyNo Moi c'est plutôt le fossé riches-pauvres qui m'ennuie. Ou le manque de tolérance. Chacun son truc...
RT @BMCProTeam: Want to know where you can catch us in action in 2018? Check out our race calendar and put the dates in your diary ? https://t.co/e6hxJj0I4T https://t.co/ZBLvOwTxnh
Et si je faisais un an sans réseaux sociaux ? #nanjedeconne #quoique

December 2017

Girls have taken over real Techno : #charlottedewitte , #dj_kseniameow .... see on YouTube https://t.co/5nIBk6Y0sl
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@CouckeMarc Ah ah, If yo have a good business plan and you want to picth Marc Coucke that's the way to go :-)
Windows 10 face unlock can be tricked using printed headshot | ZDNet https://t.co/pf62Xyo2TW
QPR delivers process mining software to a leading Nordic logistics company. - ForexTV #bpm #entarch https://t.co/OEtu8wQ5Kd
RT @Qsaving: New Crypto Currency Launched by Top Company Ethereum - Trade through Plus 500 - Ethereum Bit Coins - currently around 0.030 - absolute bargain price - buy 250,000 - The quickest way to be an millionaire https://t.co/6gRAWa20Jk https://t.co/BraZu3dfVD

November 2017

For the 3s (series of small successes), limit your scope as much as possible at each step.
RT @DeepTech_: The AI pyramid of needs, or why you need a solid foundation for effective #AI and Machine Learning, by @mrogati https://t.co/7IUnykh2h3 #ML
RT @_Quentinn: - T?as fait une blague contre les chips c?est raciste envers les irlandais qui ont du fuir leur pays en 1845 à cause des patates. - Feur
workers up on the latest in cloud, open source, mobile, big data and security = the most in demand for 2018.  https://t.co/2YPXb0YsnL

|| >> December 2017 >>