November 2009?What will you do next year ?? is the main question I have to answer these days. Last Tuesday (Nov 17th 2009) I got the approval from IBM that my sabbatical leave has been approved. Therefore, in 2010, I will not go to work as usual. So, this week I met many people who have heard that I'm having a year off. Their main concern is ?What will you do ?? but also ?Will you be back in 2011 ?? . As the Black Eye Peas would sing, I have a feeling that 2010 is gonna be a good year. What will I do ? I will have 3 main objectives in 2010: 1. Business I will work on the opportunity of starting a business in the field of ePaper. Concretely, there are many activities I want to undertake around ePaper
2. Sport Together with my friend Laurent Saublens, we decided to get to the top of the Mont Ventoux by bike. I hope he didn't forget it because I want to take up the challenge. 3. Free Time For the first time in my life, for one year, I will have no agenda, no obligation. It will be an interesting experience. It might sound crazy but I want to truly understand what I will choose to do of my free time when facing an empty agenda. Here is what I believe I will do:
And I'have just been told there is an additional objective: 4. Spoil my wife who deserves it (which was actually proposed by... my wife who was reading over my shoulder. But ok. Fair enough). So, Will I come back (to IBM) ? It will mainly depend on the successful execution of my business plan. If I'm happy being an independent entrepreneur, I will probably not come back to IBM. If on the contrary I'm not happy with the experience, I could come back to work for the Large Company. I don't know yet today. No rain coming on the Buienradar ( so let's go for 1H Mountain Bike...
What will I do in 2010 during my sabbatical year ?
Spijtig of niet ? RT @veldrijdeninfo: VELDRIJDEN Parcours van Druivencross in Overijse ondergaat grondige facelift.
Hey thats me with the black IBM shirt... RT @joonaslehtinen: 2000? Java developers listening to keynote
The good news is that yesterday IBM approved my sabbatical year in 2010.
@roulive no it s professional. nice try by the way.
Great news for 2010 today !
Attende the Business Agility Event at IBM Belgium on Jan 27th 2010 :
Installing the Devoxx - Conference Guide for Android « Conference Guide Blog
Photos et Vidéos du Weekend familie Declercq
Today most technological companies are faced wihth the same problem : the explosion of technologies. In the past there were maybe only 2 or 3 possible technologies for solving a specific problem. Today you have 10. For example, in the 80s most of programmers in large companies would work on the IBM Mainframe. Today, there are several populations : J2EE, Oracle, Microsoft, open source, Web... You only have to look at the agenda of next week's devoxx conference to get an idea of some recent technologies which didn't exist 10 years from now. As a result of this explosion, IT skills have to evolve. IT people have to deal with going out of their comfort zone. Here is what I identify as key skills for the future IT professionals:
Boire ou prendre le métro, il faut choisir.... :
IT Professionals and Can Do attitude : What skills will IT Professionals need in the future ?
RT @StoryLabEdition: L ebook de la semaine :Un ebook double écran sur android
@spf13 because they want to know who are those weird people interested in this kind of marketing material ;-)
View which web pages I came across today on -
RT @numerikbook: Une image prise sur le vif, en fin de journée, dans le métro, vaut mille mots numériques !
Smarter Work on a Smarter Planet (IBM Movie)
My anti-virus doesn't let me work...grr
LOL ! Lawyer: "Have you lived in this town all your life?" Witness: "Not yet."
Pas mal... mais un peu trop soft à mon goût. RT @mulkers: super morceau
Les cons, ça ose tout. C'est même à ça qu'on les reconnaît. Le ciel (par Thomas) #twitdraw
@roulive processus endothermique ? bon rétablissement à tous.
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