Hello here
October 2009I lauched a linked in group and I now see them all connecting with each other. Funny. ..
Just lost a long text I had written on an internal IBM blog... GRRR
@roulive Merci, je suis super impatient de voir ca... C'est direct ou faut attendre ?
@roulive J'en veux toujours bien une (cfr Direct Messages) :-)
@ddossot it's called "Turtles all the way down" : bit.ly
@ddossot and after : how to generate code on the fly which makes use of the on the fly generated global static values...
@Ulrichfr Pourquoi pas OpenERP ? bit.ly
I love this web site : The Big Picture. This time : Pictures of Saturn. bit.ly
LOL : First customer for Windows 7 looks exactly as you'd expect bit.ly
bX-59cppw : that's the error I get me when I try to see my blog bit.ly
A typical approach when thinking about Business Process Management is to try to draw two types of diagrams:
BPMN seems to be the way to go to manage a company's business process. So the question is : Is BPMN the panacea (a cure to all pains) for Business Process Management ? I dont think so. Here is why... If the BPMN approach sounds logical, it has nevertheless some drawbacks:
Middelware (other than BPEL Engines) allow businesses to manage their processes. Here are some examples:
So, If you are interested in BPM, I would recommend you the following : If you want to be closer to the business… When thinking about BPM Don’t think immediately BPMN, AS-IS and TO-BE Rather, think
Bordeau-Bayern Mireille says 1-1, I say 2-1
Madrid-Milan tonight, Mireille predicts 3-1, I say 3-2.
What to do when there is nothing on TV ? Play with your WII. I did that yesterday but not as you would expect. I tried to develop web pages for my WII opera browser in order to:
Too bad there is this Flash memory leak because otherwise the WII could become a really great platform. My experience is that much of the new technology seems to have some glitch somewhere. I just hope Adobe and Nintendo will upgrade Opera with a new flash player soon. Some IBM customers have a lot of assets on "older" (or shouls we say more mature) platforms as zSeries or iSeries. Traditionnally those applications have "green screens". Rational Host Access Transformation Services allows to easilly convert those 5250 or 3270 screens into Web pages exposing exactly the same functionality. This allows to extend the reach of the i or z code. End users also have an easier way to switch between their different screens. They can do that by:
By showing or hiding a div containing an iframe, one can easilly navigate between different web apps and stay logged in and in context (the hidden iframe just stays on the same page, until i is shown again). You can test it here in 2 different flavors: Of course this is a very simple and cheap solution, the ultimate way to do this would be to use Lotus Mashup Center. Entreprise Modernization with IBM HATS : Switching between Web Applications with JavaScript bit.ly
@lowett le site de Jean-Marc Morrandini ? bit.ly
Si un #Twelge est un Twitter Belge, ok. Mais twelge veut dire autre chose en anglais...
Hier matin (jeudi 15 octobre 2009) sur Europe 1, dans la Polémique Culturelle de Olivier Faugiel, il y avait un débat sur l'ebook, intitulé l'e-book m'a tuer. Vous pouvez le revoir sur le site de Europe 1. Yann Queffelec y a détruit l'ebook :"Le livre sera toujours là lorsque l'ebook sera 6 pieds sous terre". D'après Mr Queffelec rien ne peut remplacer de sentir un bon vieux bouquin et le plaisir de le toucher d'une main à 5 doigts. Mr Laurent Picard, co-fondateur de Booken a bien essayé de le défendre mais j'aurais voulu mieux défendre cette technologie face à un comportement qui me semble un peu trop fermé. Si j'avais été présent, j'aurais voulu poser à Mr Queffelec les quelques questions suivantes :
Il est évident que le livre électronique ne remplacera pas intégralement le papier. Mais l'ePaper en général et l'ebook en particulier présentent cependant pas mal d'avantages par rapport au même contenu au format papier. Et puis il y a certains eBook qui fonctionneront tant que le soleil sera la et n'iront pas 6 pieds sous terre. L'eBook solaire de LG, par exemple.. L'eBook m a tuer : Réponse à Yann Queffelec : bit.ly
And he (Marty) falls also after 10 minutes 20sec
Mountain Bike, Ossendrecht, my colleague Marty falls of his bike after 41 seconds : bit.ly
Yesterday night we visited the national plant garden in Meise twitgoo.com