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- >> March 2009 >> - Show 10, 25, 50, All News - Expand All, Compact All, 1024 chars

April 2009

Nice movie on Cloud Computing which changes our live as long as we believe the network is reliable, that our information is secure in the cloud and that clouds will not die suddenly...

"The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions"
Last year I maintained my biking statistics using Google Spreadsheet.

I did 2073Km on my bikes.

You can have a look at the spreadsheet over here:


Jean-François Declercq
I love Ubuntu 9.0.4 !!
Jean-François Declercq
My google desktop folder takes 6GB...
Jean-François Declercq
RT @zak_bruun: Being a designer means being an optimist: given the problems, all we can do is to presume there's a way to solve them,...
Jean-François Declercq
All my meetings have been canceled today. Rescheduling my day....
Jean-François Declercq
Twitter Cartoon : Etes-vous pr&t & entrer dans la Twittosph&re ? - http://www.webdeux.info/twitter...
Twitter Cartoon : Etes-vous pr&t & entrer dans la Twittosph&re ?
Nice movie on Twitter - Jean-François Declercq
Jean-François Declercq
That's it ! I installed Ubuntu 9.0.4 on my Home PC. Twitting from Linux.
Jean-François Declercq
Downloading Ubuntu 9.0.4
Jean-François Declercq
Aujourd'hui on fête l'anniversaire de Thomas: 6 ans le 28 avril.
Jean-François Declercq
RT @netlash: RT @Mino443: "Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs." ~~ Malcolm Forbes
Jean-François Declercq
At IBM we will achieve our 2009 targets because "In Dark times, the brightest stars shine even more", dixit our General Manager
Jean-François Declercq
Si nos services publics et hommes politiques belges étaient des comiques, on en aurait vraiment pour notre argent: http://www.rtbf.be/info...

|| >> March 2009 >>