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<< August 2012 << - >> June 2012 >> - Show 10, 25, 50, All News - Expand All, Compact All, 1024 chars

July 2012

Un peu de vélo aujourd?hui : Ravel 1 entre Aisemont et Mettet: Aujourd?hui nous avons découvert un morceau du Ra... http://t.co/qW1BPmDN

Aujourd’hui nous avons découvert un morceau du Ravel 1, la ligne 150A entre Aisemont et Mettet.

Voici quelques photos.

20120729_172731 20120729_175001 20120729_172425

I’m currently working on the “eBook Value Chains” in Libraries and Bookstores. By googling on the subject I found a paper by PWC : “Turning the Page: The Future of eBooks“.

I was happy that they advise what I also advise : work on an eBook CMS. That’s exactly what we do for the Vlaams eBoek Platform…


RT @opqscyclingteam: A different rider raised their hands in victory but the photo finish shows Napolitano winning again. #TdWallonie
A lesson from a great architect http://t.co/yuEh9g0U
See http://eavolution.com/2012/07/20/elinea-goes-the-spotify-way/ eLinea Persbericht
Les naturistes deux fois plus embêtés par la pluie. Ca c'est de l'info ! #rtbf
moins de metro en été = attendre... mais le prix du ticket est le même. Service ? #stib
RT @jeanlucr: Très intéressant : Guide : Comprendre les pratiques Internet des jeunes pour créer une information de qualité http://t.co/ ...
@RonnyXen you have a point. I think I will indeed soon investigate too see what particles are in the new mussels.
Thank you to Jamie of #realdolmen who extinguished the fire in our meeting room. It was a small flame in the ceiling but necessary !
TEST : This is only a title to see how it comes on Twitter and Facebook?: http://t.co/vFWL7B90
of course we can !: http://t.co/61Dln7dH


Watching #vivelevelo. I think I'm becoming a @PeterSagan fan : "I'd rather win a classic than the tour de France".Way to go !

<< August 2012 << || >> June 2012 >>