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February 2021"Sell or be sold" twitter.com RT @RollsRoyce: Artificial intelligence has so much good to offer us, but it has to be trusted. We’re sharing The Aletheia Framework, a new standard of ethics and trustworthiness in artificial intelligence that we believe is too important to keep to ourselves. #AI t.co t.co twitter.com January 2021@Tibius Souvent je me demande c'est quoi le stuut, je lance youtube et la vidéo commence instantanément.... twitter.com RT @rcallewaert: Zin om het verleden en de toekomst mee samen te brengen? Solliciteer voor 22/2 als conservator digitale collecties voor de Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent en kom terecht in een topteam op een toplocatie met veel mooie uitdagingen op de planning! #vacature t.co twitter.com @Tibius Au moins 4 conducteurs fantôme twitter.com December 2020Looking back at 2020, are you able to tell (in simple words) which business/technical pains you relieved and which business/technical gains you could amplify ? #value #entarch twitter.com When I think about our 50% taxes in Belgium. ..The difference between Belgium and China is that Belgium is half liberal/half communist and China is half communist/half liberal. twitter.com November 2020#decathlon nous montre que quand on a des valeurs on ne travaille pas avec n'importe qui. Quitte a être moins populaire et a y perdre quelques plumes. twitter.com RT @FarandWidecom: These maps will have you ready for your next trivia night! twitter.com October 2020When my wife asks me “what do you want ?” I always respond : “World Peace, Stop climate change and stop COVID“. "Stop COVID" is new since 2020… "World peace" has been since Miss Congeniality t.co twitter.com When my wife asks “what do you want ?” I always respond : “World Peace, Stop climate change and stop COVID“. Stop Covid is new since 2020… World peace has been since Miss Congeniality: … @Tibius Oui c'est pénible, tous les jours la même chose. twitter.com @SofBennani Pour moi on peut dire les deux. Le virus covid ou la maladie du coronavirus (le d de covid est disease qui se traduit par maladie) twitter.com @simonbrown @kornys I'd call it an opportunity. Sometimes the driver costs mor than the car. twitter.com @simonbrown @kornys Sell a small consulting mission to determine how much they should buy. twitter.com Nous souffrons tous car le covid nous éloigne de nos rêves. twitter.com @ploum C'est celui qui a un ipad twitter.com |