Hello here
April 2020@LaurentSoual Sauvetage en mer sans doute twitter.com La légende raconte qu’un jour la vérité et le Mensonge se sont croisés.
Alors la Vérité est allée voir si c’était vrai. Ça l’était.
Alors la Vérité a regardé vers le lac et a vu que le mensonge disait la vérité et a hoché la tête. Le Mensonge a couru vers l’eau et a lancé …
La vérité a touché l’eau avec ses doigts et elle était vraiment belle et tiède. Alors la Vérité a fait confiance au mensonge. Les deux ont enlevé leurs vêtements et ont nagé tranquillement. Un peu plus tard, le mensonge est sorti, il s’est habillé avec les vêtements de la vérité et il est parti. La vérité, incapable de porter les habits du mensonge a commencé à marcher sans vêtements et tout le monde s’est éloigné en la voyant nue. Attristée, abandonnée, la Vérité se réfugia au fond d’un puits. C’est ainsi que depuis lors les gens préfèrent accepter le Mensonge déguisé en vérité que la Vérité nue.” – La vérité sortant du puits – Jean-Léon Gérôme 1896 .… @JAVAUXM Ouf ! twitter.com March 2020@JAVAUXM On doit tous se battre contre le covid, certains plus que d'autres. Je vous souhaite de le terrasser ! twitter.com RT @KiwiEV: In Italy today, a priest decided to live-stream a mass due to COVID-19. Unfortunately he activated the video filters by mistake. t.co twitter.com @BooXtream When you are a visionary, you sometimes need to wait for those who don't have a clue... twitter.com "And wouldn't it be nice to live together In the kind of world where we belong?" twitter.com An architecture is not only determined by its own functionality and performance, but also how it is integrated in its ecosystem. #entarch twitter.com February 2020RT @RudyakMarina: What to do if you can't shake hands? #coronavirus #creativity #china t.co twitter.com "Embed your senior designer into the C-suite" : McKinsey Insights: Are you asking enough from your design leaders? t.co twitter.com January 2020On Monday January 13th 2020, I attended an event organized by Cyberwayfinder. The event thema was about the different types of architecture required to take care of business strategy, data, technology, security and risk in order to design a Digital Enterprise in a structured way. The inspection process At some point one of the presenters talked about an important process for Enterprise/Business/IT/Application Architects : the inspection of the delivery. This is a well-known problem in IT projects: the target architecture is very often not respected for many good and bad reasons. This raises the question of “inspection”. When do we inspect the work in progress as Enterprise Architects ? Do we have a mandate for inspection ? Continuous or punctual inspection ? We could imagine two types of inspection: continuous or punctual. The continuous inspection requires much more time but is maybe the only way in the context of agile projects… What to do with deviations ? At the end of an inspection, deviations could be identified. What can we do with such deviations ?
… 20 years ago, when Agile wasn’t born yet, we could be agile before Agile. For example by developing software using the DSDM method. On the “The QA Lead” website you can find a nice description of the Dynamic Software Development Method (DSDM): "Personne n'a tout" (Papa de Kylian Mbappé) twitter.com "La beauté n'existe pas, elle est là ou on la voit. Et lui (Jean-Paul Gauthier), nous la montre." #france2 #le20h twitter.com |