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July 2019@LaurentSoual C'est un livre twitter.com My grandfather was in the army and he said to his soldiers : "if it was easy, I would do it myself". I often say to my colleagues, "if there wasn't a mess here we would be out of our job". Bringing order where there is chaos, there lies the value... twitter.com My grandfather was in the army and he said to his soldiers : "if it was easy, I would do it myself". I often say to my colleagues, "if there wasn't a mess here we would be out of our job". Bringing order where there is chaos, there lies the value... twitter.com June 2019The art of making good value propositions #businessmodel #businessmodelcanvas #bredene t.co twitter.com The art of making good value propositions #businessmodel #businessmodelcanvas #bredene t.co twitter.com @DeGendtThomas Success ! twitter.com @DeGendtThomas Success ! twitter.com @Fakir_ @zariaurore @bfm_eco Le plus dur c'est de gagner le premier milliard twitter.com @Fakir_ @zariaurore @bfm_eco Le plus dur c'est de gagner le premier milliard twitter.com @lemaire_alex @Lirtuel Super ! twitter.com @lemaire_alex @Lirtuel Super ! twitter.com RT @leeodden: I appreciate the demonstration and testing, but part of me secretly wants this robot to get a little payback. t.co twitter.com |