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January 20192 value proposition canvas drafted today. Will have to be tested soon. #bizarch twitter.com @JustineRahon Pas le monde "saouls marins" en tous cas. twitter.com "So You Automated Your Coworkers Out of a Job" (Gizmodo) :t.co Indeed: mixed feelings when automating with #RPA twitter.com RT @kunalpatel085: So #Banking what's the #strategy for 2019 folks? Why fix it if it ain't broke right? ???????????????????? Via @11FSTeam and @davidbrear. Have a great weekend all. @KirkDBorne @Ronald_vanLoon @MikeQuindazzi @psb_dc @guzmand @stratorob @Xbond49 @helene_wpli @LoharPrasanna @Chris_Skinner t.co twitter.com The #proximus news in Business Architecture language : how to align the organization with new strategic capabilities.... #bizarch twitter.com @simonbrown I switched to Archimate for all kind of architecture and documentation about 8 years ago and never looked back. Details need complements: process design (bpmn), sequence diagrams, data models with attributes, APIs... twitter.com RT @Michael_Knorr: "If you can't figure out how to say No to Good, you won't get to say Yes to Great." #LivingForward twitter.com December 20184 top trends that will impact cybersecurity strategies in 2019 : Predictive AI for breach prevention deployed | Information Management t.co twitter.com RT @semilimes: This goes out to everyone that has face-recognition to unlock their phone - 3D-printed heads let hackers – and cops – unlock your phone - t.co #3Dprinting #TechNews t.co twitter.com RT @BOC_Group: [What Experts Say] Did you know that BOC Group made a significant move to "Visionaries" Quadrant in the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools? t.co @Gartner_inc #EntArch #itarch t.co twitter.com Do you know CHOOSE ? Coming from KAOS. (PDF) CHOOSE: Towards a Metamodel for Enterprise Architecture in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises #entarch t.co twitter.com November 2018@librarianbe Tarzan, avant qu'il ne sorte de la jungle. twitter.com @tdpauw @leenasn @KentBeck Pfffff twitter.com |