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November 2018@LaurentSoual Tous les malefices sont momentanément indisponibles, occupés dans de nombreuses régions du monde. twitter.com October 2018Fabien Pinckaers (Odoo): "Je continue à me comporter comme si je n'avais pas d'argent" | Mon Argent t.co twitter.com RT @sporza_koers: VIDEO: Dit is de Tour-ploegentijdrit in Brussel op 7 juli 2019. Best pittig, ondervond onze "Eddy Merckx van de redactie" #TDF2019 t.co t.co twitter.com @StephaneMallard Ok. Ou pas. twitter.com RT @fintanr: Containers, kubernetes, serverless - all super interesting bits of tech, but zero value on their own. It’s the app that matters - not the plumbing. Focus on what matters despite the noise and choose what you need to do the job, don’t choose the hype. twitter.com Last week I have seen a nice application of the Value Proposition Canvas #busarch #entarch t.co twitter.com "If you want to avoid deep shit, you need good plumbing" (A good colleague) #kafka #entarch twitter.com @strategyzer @AlexOsterwalder I like the term "saboteurs" :-) twitter.com @WouterDenayer And you will give a demo ? twitter.com RT @DansLaMusette: - Je suis avec Yves Lampaert. Yves, un petit mot sur la course ? - Ik spreek geen Frans. - En tout cas on te le souhaite. #BincheChimayBinche t.co twitter.com September 2018J'ai acheté des tickets VIP pour @rscanderIecht / St Trond. J'ai posé une question par email. Pas de réponse. :-( twitter.com Cyber crime's toll: $1.1 million in losses and 1,861 victims per minute | Information Management t.co twitter.com @vinchbat Do you believe in 7 years cycles in life ? twitter.com @zariaurore Oui hier j'ai vu une photo de candidat de Tirlemont qui s'appellerait Wendy. twitter.com Entendu dans la rue ce matin : "the big big boss is in the heaven" twitter.com RT @BELCyclingTeam: Discover our selected Elite riders for the UCI Road World Championships in Innsbruck, Austria ??? | t.co #InnsbruckTirol2018 #BelgianCycling t.co twitter.com August 2018RT @systemsflow: Leave your laptops at home! Improve collaboration with notes-free meetings. t.co #EntArch #pmot #bmot twitter.com Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at BNP Paribas Securities Services (BP2S) [PDF] - #bnpparibas #ai #rpa #entarch t.co twitter.com RT @MMLe0: I can't even imagine how high these guys were when they created this masterpiece t.co twitter.com |