Hello here
June 2018Finally we (Belgium) decided to be brave #engbel twitter.com Finally we (Belgium) decided to be brave #engbel twitter.com To be brave or to be smart. This is the question. #engbel twitter.com Ca sent l'été twitter.com A tool with a fool is still a tool #entarch twitter.com "Abandoned" contains the word "done". Coincidence? twitter.com @jbsarrodie Cat twitter.com @FIFAcom what about adding the following rule : 8 faults or 2 yellow cards or 1 red card = 1 goal for the other team. Wouldn't we see more football and less injuries. twitter.com Egypt - Uruguay : I had put the match in the background but I was too much concentrated on my architecture work and I haven't even seen the goal... #entarch twitter.com RT @La_Pollice: Quand je vais dire au Chef que je viens de contrôler Batman, il va encore me passer à l’éthylo !! t.co twitter.com Good is good enough. But the devil is in the details. Let's find and tackle the good details. That should be enough. twitter.com @itworks @BAEA_ @eltjopoort Thank you @itworks and @BAEA_ twitter.com May 2018Someone I'm not sure I know asks me to write him a recommendation on #LinkedIn. I think I will write something like "Although I can't remember having worked with Tanguy, I'm sure he was the best of the team. He has great charisma and high impact !" twitter.com RT @monsieur_keita: 1981 -un prince d'angleterre se marie -Liverpool gagne la C1 -Le pape meurt. 2005 -Un autre prince d'angleterre se marie -Liverpool gagne la C1 -Le pape meurt. 2018 -Prince Harry d'angleterre se marie -Liverpool est dans la finale de C1 -Le pape devrait être averti je crois twitter.com @sudpresseonline Oops twitter.com RT @NandoChachalana: - Et là-bas Gilbert, tu vois ce qu'il y a ? - Euh non... - C'est normal. t.co twitter.com @sudpresseonline Oops twitter.com @lclbelgium @RuttenGwendolyn Welkom in Tienen ! twitter.com |