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April 2018Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.… March 2018RT @IncS2e: Here is a compilation of loads of #BusinessArchitecture resources you can use. Check them out and share! t.co #BusArch #BizArch t.co twitter.com Don't raise your voice, raise your argument twitter.com Be a gentleman and your impact will double twitter.com Let's not throw away the sandwish with the bathwater twitter.com I wanted to know more about #BIZBOK. I'm now a member of the business architecture guild. t.co #entarch twitter.com Moi j'aime bien quand Walter dit "c'est bien joué de l'arbitre". Ca me fait toujours marrer. #rtlsport twitter.com RT @BrusselsLife: Amateur de #velo et de #voyage ? Rendez-vous ce samedi à Watermael-Boitsfort pour le premier #festival du voyage à vélo ! Une bonne occasion pour préparer vos prochaines #vacances ??? t.co twitter.com Gartner 2017 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools | Enterprise Architecture Software for Digital Transformation | MEGA t.co twitter.com Gartner 2017 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools | Enterprise Architecture Software for Digital Transformation | MEGA t.co twitter.com Inspiration for problem solving: How to run agile retrospective meetings | Atlassian Team Playbook t.co twitter.com African proverb: 'When death finds you, may it find you alive.' twitter.com "Good enough is dead" #digital #entarch twitter.com Testing miMind by @CryptoBees. Nice mind mapping on android. twitter.com "L'image est parlante" #elevensports twitter.com Chapeau @WoutvanAert @tiesjbenoot ! #stradebianche twitter.com |