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February 2018RT @RobAkershoek: Does your IT organization also run on XLS? Time to transform and automate your IT function using the IT4IT standard. #GDPR #IT4IT t.co twitter.com RT @John_Gardi: ?#SpaceX Fans? How cool is this! These are views from @elonmusk's CAR! #FalconHeavy #FalconHeavyLaunch #RoadsterToMars t.co twitter.com @mrtomfootball Ca date de quand ? twitter.com January 2018I had a first look at the ebook. I've seen a lot of familiar things. Seems to me a good baseline document to get started. t.co twitter.com In the agile way of working, Enterprise Architects become more "coaches" than Solution Architects. We will need to use our soft skills even more. #entarch #agile twitter.com Good article about Features and Capabilities – Scaled Agile Framework t.co #agile #entarch twitter.com In the agile way of working, Enterprise Architects become more "coaches" than Solution Architects. We will need to use our soft skills even more. #entarch #agile twitter.com Good article about Features and Capabilities – Scaled Agile Framework t.co #agile #entarch twitter.com 20 years @Aprico_C was top ! twitter.com Entendu aujourd'hui par rapport a un gars qui pousse pour quelque chose dans un projet : "des mecs qui poussent il y en a plein les toilettes" twitter.com I'm find it exiting to think about how we will eventually combine automatic decision taking with a BRMS, process orchestration with BPM and manual work automation with Robotics. twitter.com I like the title : "Startup Assumptions are Like Assholes?—?Everyone Has One and Most are Full of Shit" t.co twitter.com Le processus microcognitif du cerveau: 1) perception et premières conclusions 2) analyse des actions possibles 3) mise en oeuvre de l'action choisie twitter.com |