Hello here
January 2018Newer: Good morning Tirlemont. I had a first look at the ebook. I've seen a lot of familiar things. Seems to me a good baseline document to get started. t.co twitter.com In the agile way of working, Enterprise Architects become more "coaches" than Solution Architects. We will need to use our soft skills even more. #entarch #agile twitter.com Good article about Features and Capabilities – Scaled Agile Framework t.co #agile #entarch twitter.com In the agile way of working, Enterprise Architects become more "coaches" than Solution Architects. We will need to use our soft skills even more. #entarch #agile twitter.com Good article about Features and Capabilities – Scaled Agile Framework t.co #agile #entarch twitter.com From January 1st 2017 until Sept 15th 2017, I worked as “IT Demand Excellence Manager” at PVGroup. I managed a team of about 5 Enterprise IT architects and 5 Domain Experts (Non-Life, Life, Claims, Employee Benefits and Front). This was a very good team to aim at the description of the complete Enterprise Architecture : from Business Processes to Technical Infrastructure. Together we developed an interesting “Enterprise Architecture” process with several activities:
This was the ITDEME (IT Demand Excellence) process. In addition we were busy with building some new digital foundations : ESB, ECM, IAM…… 20 years @Aprico_C was top ! twitter.com Entendu aujourd'hui par rapport a un gars qui pousse pour quelque chose dans un projet : "des mecs qui poussent il y en a plein les toilettes" twitter.com I'm find it exiting to think about how we will eventually combine automatic decision taking with a BRMS, process orchestration with BPM and manual work automation with Robotics. twitter.com I like the title : "Startup Assumptions are Like Assholes?—?Everyone Has One and Most are Full of Shit" t.co twitter.com Le processus microcognitif du cerveau: 1) perception et premières conclusions 2) analyse des actions possibles 3) mise en oeuvre de l'action choisie twitter.com Le processus microcognitif du cerveau: 1) perception et premières conclusions 2) analyse des actions possibles 3) mise en oeuvre de l'action choisie twitter.com RT @calibrators: Met trots stelt Calibrate graag de gloednieuwe website van #rscanderlecht voor ? t.co Wat vinden jullie ervan? t.co twitter.com @FloHeyNo Moi c'est plutôt le fossé riches-pauvres qui m'ennuie. Ou le manque de tolérance. Chacun son truc... twitter.com Soupe et soldes twitter.com RT @BMCProTeam: Want to know where you can catch us in action in 2018? Check out our race calendar and put the dates in your diary ? t.co t.co twitter.com Et si je faisais un an sans réseaux sociaux ? #nanjedeconne #quoique twitter.com December 2017 |