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- >> May 2017 >> - Show 10, 25, 50, All News - Expand All, Compact All, 1024 chars

June 2017

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2r5Y0c3
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2rXaB2b
Finally installed Archi4 on my home PC. #archimate
RT @hootsuite: Mark Zuckerberg reveals the 5 strategies that helped Facebook grow at an insane rate: t.co on… t.co
Sometimes I wish I could change my F into a T for a few days... #infj
RT @BillGates: Warren Buffett says to be successful at almost anything you need this one trait…I couldn’t agree more. t.co
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2ra2r4Q
Qui veut aller vite va solo, qui veut aller loin voyage en équipe...
Doctors bury their mistakes, architects have to live with them. #entarch
Your whole company has to operate like a digital business. Legacy processes are holding back your digital | CIO t.co
Pourquoi est-ce que la d?cision de Trump de se retirer de l?accord sur le climat nous ?nerve ? Car nous savons que quelquepart Trump m?prise deux principes que nous savons devoir respecter : la respect de la nature et d?eviter la pollution. En brisant l?accord il ne respecte pas la promesse faite par son pr?d?cesseur. Ansi il ne respecte pas ses engagements.
Arnold, Il est tout de même plus malin que notre JCVD national... t.co
10 leçons de l'Art de la Guerre appliquées au marketing | Agence web 1min30, t.co

May 2017

Following the advise of @ddossot I installed Android on my EeePC tonight. Goal is to write text in the train...
Mourinho : "J'ai parfois parfois eu l'impression d'être le pire coach du monde, mais on a gagné trois trophées "- t.co
Mourinho : "J'ai parfois parfois eu l'impression d'être le pire coach du monde, mais on a gagné trois trophées "- t.co
via Instagram http://ift.tt/2qFG5v5
Having a look at ConnectMy .Car: All-in-one connected car solution by Touring & Proximus t.co
You'll Never Change Your Life Until You Change Something You Do Daily t.co
RT @JohanGhysels: Launchevent van #Marked, het trendy boekenplatform @Lannoo. Marked books for remarkable moments. Keep reading, folk… https://t.co/mK955yQFBd

|| >> May 2017 >>