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June 2017Finally installed Archi4 on my home PC. #archimate twitter.com RT @hootsuite: Mark Zuckerberg reveals the 5 strategies that helped Facebook grow at an insane rate: t.co on… t.co twitter.com RT @BillGates: Warren Buffett says to be successful at almost anything you need this one trait…I couldn’t agree more. t.co twitter.com Doctors bury their mistakes, architects have to live with them. #entarch twitter.com Your whole company has to operate like a digital business. Legacy processes are holding back your digital | CIO t.co twitter.com May 2017Following the advise of @ddossot I installed Android on my EeePC tonight. Goal is to write text in the train... twitter.com Mourinho : "J'ai parfois parfois eu l'impression d'être le pire coach du monde, mais on a gagné trois trophées "- t.co twitter.com Mourinho : "J'ai parfois parfois eu l'impression d'être le pire coach du monde, mais on a gagné trois trophées "- t.co twitter.com Having a look at ConnectMy .Car: All-in-one connected car solution by Touring & Proximus t.co twitter.com |