Hello here
December 2016Top down looks great until the devil is in the details #entarch twitter.com Today I have seen a nice network topology diagram with clear security measures applied. #notsooften #goodwork twitter.com Belgique : "Une entreprise sur six analyse des données massives (big data )" | Statbel | t.co twitter.com Egalisation Méritée pour Dortmund 2-2 #reador ! twitter.com RT @DigitalTrends: Yikes! Malicious code can hide within the ‘transparency information’ of images t.co t.co twitter.com Come on Dries Mertens #bennap twitter.com RT @bdp_fr: [VIDEO] Et si votre conseiller bancaire était remplacé par un #robot ? t.co #disruption avec… t.co twitter.com November 2016@astroehlein the people who respect them need to unite and act to fight those who don't. We need a plan and a leader. twitter.com @eon01 close the permissions and you'll have a valid denial twitter.com Piktures of @diune is very cool. twitter.com @My_L l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux twitter.com |