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September 2016"An Instagram worker developed value of 638 times that of each Times employee, at current market caps" t.co twitter.com RT @LaurentVergne: Novak #Djokovic va jouer ce soir sa 31e demi-finale de Grand Chelem. Il égale Connors. Seul #Federer (38) reste devant lui. #USOpen twitter.com RT @richardbranson: Many think long hours & stressful situations lead to success. It’s not true t.co #SeizeTheHoliday t.co twitter.com During the @Aprico_C session I had also noted how @talend offers out-of-the-box recommendation algorithms in its platform. twitter.com Interesting to see how @Talend integrates SOA, ETL, Data Quality and Big Data at the @Aprico_C session yesterday. twitter.com RT @GoogleBrussels: Read @BCG's research on how Belgium benefits from a digitized economy, creating 300,000 jobs: t.co #digitalfrontrunners twitter.com August 2016RT @leilarebbouh: at #CONEXT with @AWEX_Belgium&@digitalwallonia featuring #MachineLearning t.co t.co twitter.com Un article intéressant à lire sur Metro FR Des scientifiques dévoilent le dressing de « l’homme des glaces » t.co twitter.com RT @sporza_koers: Nog 3 rondes: @Rubypowerrr 10e @schuermans_jens 19e #Rio2016 #CyclingMountainBike t.co twitter.com RT @sporza_koers: Nog 3 rondes: @Rubypowerrr 10e @schuermans_jens 19e #Rio2016 #CyclingMountainBike t.co twitter.com RT @Ellesfontduvelo: "Je n’avais jamais fait plus de 230km et j’ignorais encore que je ferais PBP". Bien à #vélo. t.co #velocio #ultracyclisme twitter.com RT @petosagan: Its not easy to choose the right path in your life. I always choose the harder one. t.co twitter.com RT @TopTalents: Just love the simple definition for governance by @tetradian "Governance is that we are doing stuff on purpose" #EASummerSchool #entarch twitter.com Is a SCRUM product the same as an Archimate product ? #entarch twitter.com RT @TopTalents: Just love the simple definition for governance by @tetradian "Governance is that we are doing stuff on purpose" #EASummerSchool #entarch twitter.com |