Hello here
June 2016RT @ffunction: To give you a sense of how unusual America’s gun violence problem is: t.co #Orlando t.co twitter.com @citroenbelux Je me souviens vaguement d'avoir commandé une #Citroën #C3Picasso il y a 4,5 mois... mais rien à l'horizon... twitter.com Je me souviens vaguement d'avoir commandé une #Citroën #C3Picasso il y a 4,5 mois... mais rien à l'horizon... twitter.com Joseph Schovanec est autiste et a une vision de la vie et du voyage bien différente de la notre. Qui est normal ? t.co twitter.com Yesterday I built an ADD (Architecture Definition Document) template large enough to include many #entarch stuff. I think I'll publish it. twitter.com Question of the day: should we allow (limited) results piggybagging in functional responses (functional accept/reject) ? #entarch twitter.com @decathlonfrance 40 ans ! Et un esprit si jeune. Bravo. twitter.com RT @GrossesTetesRTL: On appelle esperluette le signe "&" qui est la jonction calligraphique des lettres "e" et "t". #Lesaviezvous #RTL t.co twitter.com RT @judmoo: Mums. Grannies. Friends. Me and Djana Djokovic. Toasting our sons. #RolandGarros t.co twitter.com RT @MDMGeek: #BigData project means nothing if it does not help solve a business problem. @MylesSuer @KirkDBorne @dez_blanchfield t.co twitter.com RT @BananaData: Brands Want To Predict Your Behavior By Mining Your Face From #YouTube Videos t.co #creepy #ML t.co twitter.com RT @Siecledigital: Data Studio : un outil Google de data visualization gratuit et pour tous. #dataviz t.co t.co twitter.com Keep The Drive Alive: 20 Of The Best Motivational And Inspirational Pictures On The Web [6th Edition] | t.co twitter.com |