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June 2016RT @judmoo: Mums. Grannies. Friends. Me and Djana Djokovic. Toasting our sons. #RolandGarros t.co twitter.com RT @MDMGeek: #BigData project means nothing if it does not help solve a business problem. @MylesSuer @KirkDBorne @dez_blanchfield t.co twitter.com RT @BananaData: Brands Want To Predict Your Behavior By Mining Your Face From #YouTube Videos t.co #creepy #ML t.co twitter.com RT @Siecledigital: Data Studio : un outil Google de data visualization gratuit et pour tous. #dataviz t.co t.co twitter.com Keep The Drive Alive: 20 Of The Best Motivational And Inspirational Pictures On The Web [6th Edition] | t.co twitter.com "The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life." (Mohammad Ali) #RIP twitter.com RT @rolandgarros: ALLEZ! French favorites Garcia/Mladenovic are through to their 1st Major final together. Up next: Makarova/Vesnina. t.co twitter.com RT @RebelMouse: So what's next for content marketing? #FridayReads via @teamreboot + experts: t.co @flarrio t.co twitter.com RT @SocialMedia411: Follow A Company On Twitter? Get Ready For Personalized DMs From Brands t.co twitter.com @stephanpire ça reste un valeur sûre la frite twitter.com Four sexy ladies on the court #rg16 #France4 twitter.com Deliverable of the day : NFR template for business processes based on PASSME (cfr t.co #entarch #bpm #nfr twitter.com Nouveau message de la machine a café après sélection de café sans sucre : “inabilité”. t.co twitter.com May 2016Compétences + Attitude + Motivation = Valeur Ajoutée twitter.com |