Hello here
October 2015If your #entarch is based on "technology before process before people", you'd better be 200% confident in what you're doing. Mostly not. twitter.com Slideshare app requires Internet login so you can't used it offline #whatsthepoint #ux #useless twitter.com #Twitter should do like Facebook. More ads. Than a premium ad free version #nofreelunch twitter.com RT @tourismebelge: [Bravo !!!] @CapitaineRemi a fait Paris/#Bruxelles en #vélo libre-service t.co t.co twitter.com RT @Siecledigital: Les 4 « co’ » d’une marque du XXIè siècle [ #Tendance #Branding ] t.co t.co twitter.com RT @theopengroup: RT @aj_josey: The IT4IT Reference Architecture v2.0 Standard is launched at @theopengroup event on October 20 #ogEDI t.co twitter.com Just re-programmed my feeds syndication in php since Yahoo Pipes has stopped twitter.com |