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September 2015

@librarianbe enjoy #iaz2015
Technologie contre Talents, process et business models…. | t.co t.co

« les entreprises les plus matures travaillent sur les talents, les process et les business models, là où les autres ont davantage tendance à s’éparpiller, à multiplier les initiatives incohérentes et vouloir aller trop vite sur la technologie. »
Read more at Frenchweb

Le marché européen de la publicité programmatique a connu une croissance de 70,5% entre 2013 et 2014 FrenchWeb.fr t.co
Leadership in a VUCA (Volatile – Uncertain – Complex – Ambiguous) World #vlerick programme t.co
Interesting webinar today thanks to @NRFNews "Beyond Personalization: Rethink Your Relationship with your Customer" | t.co
Top talents : They want to "partner with" an employer, rather than "work for" the employer. t.co
Nothing new but well summarized : 10 trends shaping the future of retail | Retail Dive t.co #retail
Enterprise Architecture definition by Scott A. Bernard | t.co t.co

“The analysis and documentation of an enterprise in its current and future states from an integrated strategy, business, and technology perspective”.

Scott A Bernard: An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture

Mobile in-store influenced sales | Architecting for strategy - Mario Febbraio t.co

“In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called.” ~ Buckminster Fuller ~

Found here : http://p2pfoundation.net/Main_Page

RT @retaildetailbe: #roadshow #futureofshopping we zweven t.co
Ebook : seuls 7 % des éditeurs se disent "fervents défenseurs du papier" - Les univers du livre http://t.co/LqTMif7kfk
RT @EllesfontduVelo: Vélo design pour la semaine de la #mobilité à #Bruxelles - t.co #velo
RT @faes: .@startupsbe @antwmgtschool @ekenis @omohout Beware: Getting a dollar from an investor is 10x easier than getting the same from a customer!
Quel titre ! Selon une étude scientifique, les études scientifiques ne sont pas fiables - Libération t.co
RT @richardbranson: I've failed so many times I couldn’t list them all. Those failures are the reason why I succeed t.co
RT @GillesKLEIN: ?? #LeRoiEstMort 1er septembre 1715 à 8.15 h, il y a 300 ans mourait Louis XIV à Versailles (Thomas Barker 1815-1882) t.co

August 2015

RT @rabble: “Five years, building a culture, and handing it off.” by @kellan t.co
RT @rabble: “Five years, building a culture, and handing it off.” by @kellan t.co
I hate it when I receive an invitation email and it doesn't say when and where the event is #digitalfirst15
Just registered in Trello t.co
RT @ZiPconomy: Welk archetype ondernemer ben jij? Entrepreneur, skilled talent of manager? t.co @deBaak CEO @arkovb legt uit #video

|| >> August 2015 >>