Hello here
September 2015RT @AnnTran_: Smart leaders plan in decades. Think in years. Work in months. Live in days. Celebrate in moments. ~ @JohnEMichel twitter.com Belgium didn't win but if it's ok : we have a great cycling world champion with @petosagan #happyforhim #notsecondthistime #changetheworld twitter.com RT @beutenbart: Haalbaarheidsonderzoek eengemaakt bibliotheeksysteem t.co @BrusselseBibs @librarianbe twitter.com RT @beutenbart: Haalbaarheidsonderzoek eengemaakt bibliotheeksysteem t.co @BrusselseBibs @librarianbe twitter.com Depuis que j'habite à Tienen je me suis rendu à mon travail à vélo dans 37% des cas twitter.com Depuis que j'habite à Tienen je me suis rendu à mon travail à vélo dans 37% des cas twitter.com Great !! RT @didurieux: RT @WBI_tweet: #Orthanc: par S. Jodogne, a reçu le prix de la FSF au #MIT -http://tt.co twitter.com Crime organisé dans le #retail: recel physique, e-recel, fraude carte de crédits / cadeaux et ... vol de cargos #nrf twitter.com #SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) doesn’t clean the shit (in your IT landscape). It isolates the shit. After you can clean… #entarch twitter.com We tried to avoid the typical spaghetti story but in the end it's the only one that worked for some people to start undesrtanding #SOA twitter.com J'ai décidé que je continuerai à dire bonjour en souriant à ceux qui font une tronche jusqu'à parterre twitter.com Several automotive industry CEOs must have a sudden interest in technology right now #VW #enginneersalwayswinattheend twitter.com This morning I managed to get rid of 4000 old unread emails in gmail thanks to filters and delete all functionality. twitter.com " Hadoop today is not particularly well-suited for real-time scoring" [PDF] #pentaho t.co t.co twitter.com Don't boil the ocean. #principle twitter.com Suddenly there was a new button on my Touchpal android keyboard. It was a game. I won a free theme... #unexpected #fun twitter.com Nieuwe term geleerd: biechtstoelprocedure twitter.com @librarianbe enjoy #iaz2015 twitter.com Le marché européen de la publicité programmatique a connu une croissance de 70,5% entre 2013 et 2014 FrenchWeb.fr t.co twitter.com Leadership in a VUCA (Volatile – Uncertain – Complex – Ambiguous) World #vlerick programme t.co twitter.com Interesting webinar today thanks to @NRFNews "Beyond Personalization: Rethink Your Relationship with your Customer" | t.co twitter.com Top talents : They want to "partner with" an employer, rather than "work for" the employer. t.co twitter.com #manjuv twitter.com Nothing new but well summarized : 10 trends shaping the future of retail | Retail Dive t.co #retail twitter.com RT @EllesfontduVelo: Vélo design pour la semaine de la #mobilité à #Bruxelles - t.co #velo twitter.com RT @faes: .@startupsbe @antwmgtschool @ekenis @omohout Beware: Getting a dollar from an investor is 10x easier than getting the same from a customer! twitter.com Quel titre ! Selon une étude scientifique, les études scientifiques ne sont pas fiables - Libération t.co twitter.com RT @richardbranson: I've failed so many times I couldn’t list them all. Those failures are the reason why I succeed t.co twitter.com RT @GillesKLEIN: ?? #LeRoiEstMort 1er septembre 1715 à 8.15 h, il y a 300 ans mourait Louis XIV à Versailles (Thomas Barker 1815-1882) t.co twitter.com |