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- >> November 2021 >> - Show 10, 25, 50, All News - Expand All, Compact All, 1024 chars

December 2021

November 2021

@seeme_ai What problem do you solve ? How long/much to build a solution ? Why should we work with you (differentiators) ?

October 2021

@Tibius C'est pour qu'il soit à l'heure je suppose. Faut sauter en marche...
Voici le podium du grand prix Potterie Tienen d'hier (2 octobre 2021), remporté par Rutger Wouters Résultats complets : https://t.co/xlXtXvkzJG https://t.co/nTnGKbAaCl #gppotterie #thuisintienen https://t.co/FOFYpXHx4q

August 2021

@Jeannettebreke1 GevaarlijkeTuin. Of WakkerWordenTuin.
@CelineLambeau A mon avis, l'humanité va droit dans le mur et ne va pas l'éviter... ce que Jacques Attali décrit comme l'hyper-conflit, à défaut de l' hyper-démocratie.
@CelineLambeau C'est une question complexe pour laquelle il n'y a pas de solution simple. Les solutions viendront probablement de l'intelligence collective mais cela demande en amont l'éducation et la sensibillisation au problème. Il faudra plusieurs générations...
@Schreuer Juste 50% de l'humanité suffirait je pense
RT @BjoernRochel: This? is one of the most insightful and useful models I?ve seen in the last 10 years. More than 100 years old, originated in Prussian militay and still relevant in times of high uncertainty, both in organizations and software architecture #3gaps #artofaction https://t.co/wS5OWtZSgO

July 2021

@Microsoft No, because your sso doesn't work well on office365...
Thank you @WoutvanAert ! You were the best ! Silver for Belgium !

June 2021

RT @ArchiMate_r: Read @TheOpenGroup guide to Agile Architecture Modeling Using the ArchiMate® Language, read the html version online now at https://t.co/xThT6LBRBr https://t.co/K6tnD5bfjn
RT @OptaJoe: 4 - Kevin De Bruyne is the only European player to have assisted a goal in each of the last four major tournaments (World Cup & Euros), doing so in the 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020 editions. Unrivalled. #BEL #EURO2020 https://t.co/Su6Cpna63p
Installing Microsoft Teams for personal use (no organization behind) is complex and useless. Just lost 1 hour to try to make it work on Ubuntu to help a friend. The SSO with hotmail doesn't work. We ended up launching the meeting in Google Chrome.
Belle idée : "Les détenus sont capables de devenir des développeurs web opérationnels en 9 mois" https://t.co/KpTzSO2KTt

May 2021

@Tibius Il pensait peut-être a Ben Johnson pour qui injection=performance :-)
@giroditalia How come @EvenepoelRemco has "NO SIGNAL" on the rider's stats ? https://t.co/vpWoVtu1xu
@rvangucht @wielerman Top magazine, veel info, zeer goed verslag !
@janvdp Take a shower. I have read once that de-stressing liberates your brain, allowing to imagine other possibilities (day dreaming). At that moment you can have an eureka.

|| >> November 2021 >>