January 2018From January 1st 2017 until Sept 15th 2017, I worked as “IT Demand Excellence Manager” at PVGroup. I managed a team of about 5 Enterprise IT architects and 5 Domain Experts (Non-Life, Life, Claims, Employee Benefits and Front). This was a very good team to aim at the description of the complete Enterprise Architecture : from Business Processes to Technical Infrastructure. Together we developed an interesting “Enterprise Architecture” process with several activities:
This was the ITDEME (IT Demand Excellence) process. In addition we were busy with building some new digital foundations : ESB, ECM, IAM…… Highlights | Stage 5 | Santos Tour Down Under - YouTube https://t.co/46UJSdZRvs http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/954795593662193664 20 years @Aprico_C was top ! http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/954686091772284929 Entendu aujourd'hui par rapport a un gars qui pousse pour quelque chose dans un projet : "des mecs qui poussent il y en a plein les toilettes" http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/953662614084771841 I'm find it exiting to think about how we will eventually combine automatic decision taking with a BRMS, process orchestration with BPM and manual work automation with Robotics. http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/953537533211758592 I like the title : "Startup Assumptions are Like Assholes???Everyone Has One and Most are Full of Shit" https://t.co/N7AxbwAtou http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/952519453220237312 I want an AIP team also ! The war on interruptions | CommitStrip https://t.co/DdCzmku9fQ http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/952517263642583040 RT @Anton75_: Le 4e sous un autre angle ... Quel but bordel https://t.co/lKjJUWou3m http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/950341470401200128 @RoBeenkens Tout fout le camp... :-) http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/949319509202079744 Le processus microcognitif du cerveau: 1) perception et premières conclusions 2) analyse des actions possibles 3) mise en oeuvre de l'action choisie http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/949182536269418496 Le processus microcognitif du cerveau: 1) perception et premières conclusions 2) analyse des actions possibles 3) mise en oeuvre de l'action choisie http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/949182536114196481 RT @calibrators: Met trots stelt Calibrate graag de gloednieuwe website van #rscanderlecht voor ? https://t.co/A1DJX4ODWj Wat vinden jullie ervan? https://t.co/jKqDD7QSYZ http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/948501460140134401 @FloHeyNo Moi c'est plutôt le fossé riches-pauvres qui m'ennuie. Ou le manque de tolérance. Chacun son truc... http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/948500932916019200 Soupe et soldes http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/948195714135461888 RT @BMCProTeam: Want to know where you can catch us in action in 2018? Check out our race calendar and put the dates in your diary ? https://t.co/e6hxJj0I4T https://t.co/ZBLvOwTxnh http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/948180265842630657 Having a look at Apache UIMA and its rules enfine : UIMA Ruta? https://t.co/mTWC6jeaZJ http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/947903033278681089 Et si je faisais un an sans réseaux sociaux ? #nanjedeconne #quoique http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/947821528653205504 December 2017"Qu'on me donne l'envie, l'envie d'avoir envie" - Paroles: https://t.co/T3XiEkOVKA & YouTube: https://t.co/T6jgKBvU4I http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/946462943847305217 Girls have taken over real Techno : #charlottedewitte , #dj_kseniameow .... see on YouTube https://t.co/5nIBk6Y0sl http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/946461576676208640 Ah Twitter en 280 caractères. Enfin. http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/945929185863852032 via Instagram http://ift.tt/2pE1ciN
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