June 2016Joseph Schovanec est autiste et a une vision de la vie et du voyage bien différente de la notre. Qui est normal ? Yesterday I built an ADD (Architecture Definition Document) template large enough to include many #entarch stuff. I think I'll publish it. http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/741561977252810752 Pronos Euro2016. Quelles sont vos 3 équipes favorites (hors Belgique car on est tous pour la Belgique) ? Jusqu'à ce soir 21h pour votre réponse (Après c'est de la triche). Question of the day: should we allow (limited) results piggybagging in functional responses (functional accept/reject) ? #entarch http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/740830414282096640 @decathlonfrance 40 ans ! Et un esprit si jeune. Bravo. http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/740598871844376577 RT @GrossesTetesRTL: On appelle esperluette le signe "&" qui est la jonction calligraphique des lettres "e" et "t". #Lesaviezvous #RTL https://t.co/zAfWckBtZR http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/740596211892269057 TOGAF 9.1 Starter Pack # OrbusSoftware #entarch https://t.co/L7eIVlO55U http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/739754422058811392 RT @judmoo: Mums. Grannies. Friends. Me and Djana Djokovic. Toasting our sons. #RolandGarros https://t.co/14iyeyCT9n http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/739526220522631168 RT @MDMGeek: #BigData project means nothing if it does not help solve a business problem. @MylesSuer @KirkDBorne @dez_blanchfield https://t.co/AkikVU0qaE http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/739468654044123136 Come on Belgium, come on Belgium ! Les couleurs du drapeau belge sont celles de l'écu de l'ancien duché de Brabant. Il représentait un lion d'or (jaune) sur fond de sable (noir), armé (griffes) et lampassé (langue) de gueules (rouge). RT @BananaData: Brands Want To Predict Your Behavior By Mining Your Face From #YouTube Videos https://t.co/86lmp5uIuE #creepy #ML https://t.co/WdZwAIcrhC http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/739357780545540096 Je crée une discussion Facebook pour parler de l'Euro2016 avec mes amis. Qui veut en faire partie ? RT @Siecledigital: Data Studio : un outil Google de data visualization gratuit et pour tous. #dataviz https://t.co/VCNdqqxfo1 https://t.co/s4gPEla8en http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/739150845460250624 Keep The Drive Alive: 20 Of The Best Motivational And Inspirational Pictures On The Web [6th Edition] | https://t.co/4myUhA5n1Y http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/739057202221228032 "The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life." (Mohammad Ali) #RIP http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/739054400979800065 "The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life." (Mohammad Ali) #RIP RT @rolandgarros: ALLEZ! French favorites Garcia/Mladenovic are through to their 1st Major final together. Up next: Makarova/Vesnina. https://t.co/5fsGxYyfHM http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/738788683210493952 RT @RebelMouse: So what's next for content marketing? #FridayReads via @teamreboot + experts: https://t.co/J10yUYdlxD @flarrio https://t.co/oi2cRXdnBi http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/738788525399756800 RT @SocialMedia411: Follow A Company On Twitter? Get Ready For Personalized DMs From Brands https://t.co/cwIlxYcuo5 http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/738780502618968064 @stephanpire ça reste un valeur sûre la frite http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/738783534400319488 Four sexy ladies on the court #rg16 #France4 http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/738778717862957056 Ça arrive aux meilleurs... Deliverable of the day : NFR template for business processes based on PASSME (cfr https://t.co/RbOHWx9C7A) #entarch #bpm #nfr http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/738348629337968640 Older : PASSME