October 2015E-boeken in de bib (IAZ 18 september 2015) http://t.co/b1Od1SgrPm http://twitter.com/appepaper/status/652173714835042304 E-boeken in de bib (IAZ 18 september 2015) http://t.co/kv5kJaUlGa http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/652173715413856256 E-boeken in de bib (IAZ 18 september 2015) http://t.co/b1Od1SgrPm http://twitter.com/appepaper/status/652173714835042304 Critical flows... #entarch http://t.co/rvR8OVToQI http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/652116964731711488 Critical flows... #entarch Critical flows show how the information flows from user to system and from system to system. May daily, never ending work... Enterprise Architecture - YouTube #entarch http://t.co/4sXCDRnYDC http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/652100516751781889 May daily, never ending work... Enterprise Architecture - YouTube #entarch La roue de Paris est... A Bruxelles RT @tourismebelge: [Bravo !!!] @CapitaineRemi a fait Paris/#Bruxelles en #vélo libre-service http://t.co/w5s1YSSL2v http://t.co/nLBCb1V4h6 http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/651774607079403520 RT @boezeman: Bonnier is Working on its Own eBook Subscription Service ? BookBeat http://t.co/b1ntgTwiYq http://twitter.com/appepaper/status/651637297130139648 I see more and more people watch movies or series or tv shows in the train. RT @Siecledigital: Les 4 « co? » d?une marque du XXIè siècle [ #Tendance #Branding ] http://t.co/lZ8armkF4b http://t.co/OLeS6sgSCC http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/651279467109855233 Olivier Barette : e-Signature: new regulation boosting trust and security - IT One http://t.co/wwv40nBt9c http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/650990914215772160 RT @theopengroup: RT @aj_josey: The IT4IT Reference Architecture v2.0 Standard is launched at @theopengroup event on October 20 #ogEDI http://t.co/gt7JsVjKtH http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/650640330853888000 Amazon Web Service (AWS) | Application Architecture Center http://t.co/tkQIaexxIc #entarch http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/650604802372726784 Just re-programmed my feeds syndication in php since Yahoo Pipes has stopped http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/650429098515427329 U13 St-Michel - Grez 4-2. Grez mène deux fois à la marque puis craque dans le dernier quart d'heure. Un beau match. NICE ! RT @FCBarcelona's electric blue third kit at the FCB Megastore at #CampNou! http://t.co/NXPYSv2kDp http://t.co/LBa56cQ5Wn http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/649546235343413248 NICE ! RT @FCBarcelona's electric blue third kit at the FCB Megastore at #CampNou! http://t.co/NXPYSv2kDp http://t.co/LBa56cQ5Wn NICE ! RT @FCBarcelona's electric blue third kit at the FCB Megastore at #CampNou! http://t.co/NXPYSv2kDp http://t.co/LBa56cQ5Wn http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/649546235343413248 NICE ! RT @FCBarcelona's electric blue third kit at the FCB Megastore at #CampNou! http://t.co/NXPYSv2kDp http://t.co/LBa56cQ5Wn September 2015How One Couple Is Traveling The World On $23 Per Day - Forbes http://t.co/47PiT2FKcE http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq/status/649145459467001856 FOTO. Jef Colruyt ruimt zelf mee zwerfvuil op - Het Nieuwsblad Mobile http://t.co/9PgDqZzlrw http://twitter.com/jfdeclercq_biz/status/649136820748480512 |