I love Ubuntu 9.0.4 !! |
My google desktop folder takes 6GB... |
RT @ zak_bruun: Being a designer means being an optimist: given the problems, all we can do is to presume there's a way to solve them,... |
All my meetings have been canceled today. Rescheduling my day.... |
That's it ! I installed Ubuntu 9.0.4 on my Home PC. Twitting from Linux. |
Downloading Ubuntu 9.0.4 |
Aujourd'hui on fête l'anniversaire de Thomas: 6 ans le 28 avril. |
RT @ netlash: RT @ Mino443: "Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs." ~~ Malcolm Forbes |
At IBM we will achieve our 2009 targets because "In Dark times, the brightest stars shine even more", dixit our General Manager |
Si nos services publics et hommes politiques belges étaient des comiques, on en aurait vraiment pour notre argent: http://www.rtbf.be/info... |
my celio belt is broken. I bought it one month ago... |